Hello! I've taken the plunge and started a blog! I haven't a clue as to what I am doing however I have a goal in mind. Early in February my brother educated me about the vast community on the web. My daily routine was to check emails and visit woot.com to see what was for sale. I'd clean out my iwon.com email account hoping just once that Neiman Marcus would have those stunning Prada shoes on sale! No go...I need to sell more bracelets to get those shoes. Anyhow, I had not a clue until Frank told me about esty.com and blogger.com! Wow, I've lived a sheltered life. Esty..Esty? You ask. My goodness, you don't know! Why, Martha Stewart highlighted this site on her show a week ago. Here have a look: connect to
http://www.truevirtue.etsy.com/ and see what I mean!
I love my etsy shop and hope to tell the world. Please tell the world with me...let's get as many bracelets on women as we can. Even if these women do not pray the rosary, I want them to feel one step closer in their faith whether their faith is Catholic or not. I want them to know they are only a prayer away from comfort, from support, from faith and from spiritual freedom!
Ok, as I said, I'm trying to figure all this out. My site will not look pretty for a while but bear with me...learning off the cuff!
Love, hugs and prayers to you all. As my friend, Kelly, always says, "I'm too blessed to be stressed"! Thank you.
P.S. if you leave an email here or on truevirtue.etsy.com do so and tell me what you think. Also, if you have a prayer intention that I can pray about for you, I will, just say so!